While snorkeling is a very enjoyable sport that is a perfect way to access the marine life, some skills and knowledge are required to guarantee a safe and enjoyable experience under the water. First time snorkelers should always pay attention to some points that a guide may be too busy to tell. Check the following Tips for snorkelers.
Good equipment is key
Choose a mask that fits your face. A way to perfectly choose a mask that fits is breathing in through your nose while having the mask on. A good sign is that it seals and stays in place. Once you chose the perfect mask make sure that you wear it right putting the strap right at the base of your head and making sure that hair is all out of it. If possible, go for a dry snorkel that has a valve at the top that closes when the end is submerged in water, preventing water from flowing down the tube.
Fins should neither be tight or loose. Too tight fins will give you cramps and loose ones may give up on you under water.
Defog your mask. Use shampoo for example on your mask and rinse in sea water so that your mask is defogged and vision is perfect.
For your first snorkeling experience, you better choose somewhere calm. At first, beach is a better choice than snorkeling from a boat inside deep water. Pick a calm beach and pick a spot that has no big waves.
Pay attention to the currents and flows that can move you very quickly. Always remember to keep an eye on your entry point and potential safe exit points. Always swim in groups and always let someone know that you are out snorkeling.
Being relaxed is key to a successful snorkeling. Practicing will help. Practice breathing out of water and once confident practice the classic calm floating face down in the water.
Know your capabilities and limitations. There is no point in pushing yourself. Try to combine joy and safety even if you are better floating around shallow water rather than heading to the deep.