Visit Saudi Arabia.. Jeddah Tourist Attractions


The city of Jeddah is located west of Saudi Arabia. The city was established 3,000 years ago by a group of fishermen, with a distinct coastal vibe; Located on the Red Sea coast and nicknamed the Red Sea bride, it is the largest port on the Red Sea and has its geographical location; It is the first station accessed by pilgrims from all over the world to Mecca, whether by land or sea. One of the most important cities in Saudi Arabia because it contains many of the landmarks of Jeddah, hotels, museums and entertainment venues, is its commercial and economic capital, and the second largest city in the Kingdom after the capital Riyadh.

The most important features of Jeddah Saudi Arabia:

Aquarium Jeddah

Jeddah Aquarium is one of the most popular tourist places in the city, located on Jeddah Corniche Road, where it contains many aquifers with a large number of fish such as sharks, sea lions and seals, more than 200 species of which.

Diving in the desert sea

The Sahara Sea is one of the 10 most popular diving coasts in the world, the most attractive place for tourists, and the most beautiful landmarks of Jeddah. If you are a diving fan, surely the place will be right for your taste.

Sherah Island

Sherah Island is one of Jeddah’s most famous parks. The island is located in the city of Jeddina, which overlooks the Red Sea. It is classified as a tourist place for families. It has large green spaces, as well as lots of swimming pools and water games that children love. The park also has a pool for children from 2 to 10 years old.

Waterfall Garden

The waterfall park is a sophisticated Jeddah amusement park. It includes many electronic recreational toys suitable for children and adults. Many children’s toys include: crazy submarine, Paris tour and car lift. It also has family-specific toys that suit all the ages of family members such as pirate and samba tower. It is a grandmother milestone fit for the whole family.

Naphora Jeddah

Jeddah Fountain, known as King Fahd Fountain, is located in front of the beaches of Jeddah on the western shore of Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea. One of Jeddah’s distinctive parks, it took nearly 3 years to build, It is the highest fountain in the world and is approximately 140 metres long. water pumped from seawater reaches an altitude of 312 meters, The weight of water paid in the air exceeds 18 tons, seen throughout Jeddah.

Gate Mecca

The gate of Mecca is one of the gates of Jeddah’s Eight Wall and is the gate of Eastern Jeddah. Downtown Jeddah is located west of Saudi Arabia Built by the Mamluks in 1509 to protect the town from enemy incursions, The place has undergone many restorations to remain tall to this day. The place is now transformed into a popular shopping market, surrounded by many markets and malls to become one of the most attractive places for tourists among the tourist attractions of Jeddah.


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