How to Be a Traveler and Not just a Tourist

How to Be a Traveler and Not just a Tourist
How to Be a Traveler and Not just a Tourist

Limiting yourself and travel experience to only being a tourist who blasts a trip and goes back home mayn’t be the best thing to do to get the best out of your trip. Being a traveler who explores new places and truly lives the travel experience is the best thing to do. Check the following tips on how to be a traveler not just a tourist.

Research and study. Researching and studying might seem boring but they actually are not. They open your eyes to your destination’s potentials and help you utilize your trip. It will help you connect with the locals, be more travel-conscious, and improve your experience overall.

Learn some key phrases. You have to live the experience yourself not through someone else. Few key phrases won’t do much but will help you feel connected to people there.

Dress to fit in. the choice of your attire can send a message of respect to locals. It also helps you to fit in and experience the culture. It is also a good thing to do safety wise.

Go for small hotels in small cities. These smaller-scale options are usually more personalized and authentic and keep you blended in with people.

Get advice from locals. Ask hotel workers and drivers for recommendations concerning food, nightlife or other activities you can do.

Use public transportation. It saves money and helps you to live the local life and experience the everyday life of the city.

Be spontaneous and leave a space for going with the flow. Don’t over plan or put strict plans concerning time and places.

Have an open mind and be prepared for everything. This includes making new friends with travelers of different nationalities and locals.

Try the local cuisine. Food is a don’t-miss thing to do as food a perfect representative of culture.

Don’t fear solo traveling, it may hold within the best travel experience of your life.


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